Frammenti e dintorni / Fragmente im Kontext
The conference will be held at the Accademia di Studi Italo-Tedeschi / Akademie Deutsch-Italienischer Studien of Merano, Italy (, on *November 7th-9th, 2019.
The concept of the conference, expressed by the Italian word "dintorni", is manifold: we aim at investigating not only the fragments themselves, but also the contexts in which they are quoted, the reasons why they are quoted, and their relationship with other text that we have as a whole.
The concept of the conference, expressed by the Italian word "dintorni", is manifold: we aim at investigating not only the fragments themselves, but also the contexts in which they are quoted, the reasons why they are quoted, and their relationship with other text that we have as a whole.
Thursday, 7th November 2019
15:00 Opening and registration
15:20 Greetings by Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. B. Zimmermann (Freiburg/Heidelberg), Prof. I. De Gennaro (Accademia di Studi Italo-Tedeschi, Merano), Dr. V. Mastellari (Freiburg/Heidelberg, organisation)
15:20 Greetings by Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. B. Zimmermann (Freiburg/Heidelberg), Prof. I. De Gennaro (Accademia di Studi Italo-Tedeschi, Merano), Dr. V. Mastellari (Freiburg/Heidelberg, organisation)
First Session: Quoting others: Lexicography and Ancient Erudition
15:45 Prof. R. Tosi (Università di Bologna), Alcune osservazioni sui frammenti tramandati dai lessici
16:15 Prof. F. Montanari (Università di Genova), Le tortuose strade del frammento. Citazioni nell’erudizione antica
16:45 Discussion
17:15 Wine reception
16:15 Prof. F. Montanari (Università di Genova), Le tortuose strade del frammento. Citazioni nell’erudizione antica
16:45 Discussion
17:15 Wine reception
Friday, 8th November 2019
Second Session: Fragments in Context and Contexts of Fragments
10:15 Prof. P.J. Finglass (University of Bristol), Editing fragments in context
10:45 Prof. E. Csapo (University of Sydney), Lachares and Menander: a Theatre-Historical Look at POxy 1235, col. iii, 103–12
11:15 Discussion
11:45 Coffee Break
12:15 Prof.ssa A.M. Andrisano (Università di Ferrara), *Una testimonianza comica a proposito di Cinesia (Ar. Ran. 366)
12:45 Discussion
13:00 Lunch
10:45 Prof. E. Csapo (University of Sydney), Lachares and Menander: a Theatre-Historical Look at POxy 1235, col. iii, 103–12
11:15 Discussion
11:45 Coffee Break
12:15 Prof.ssa A.M. Andrisano (Università di Ferrara), *Una testimonianza comica a proposito di Cinesia (Ar. Ran. 366)
12:45 Discussion
13:00 Lunch
Third Session: Comic Fragments
15:00 Dr. F. Favi (University of Oxford), Comedy at the border, at the border of comedy: Epicharmus and epic parody
15:30 Prof. I.M. Konstantakos (National & Kapodistrian University of Athens), Talking animals and the beginnings of the Märchenkomödie
16:00 Discussion
16:30 Coffee Break
17:00 Prof. A. Petrides (Open University of Cyprus), Menander’s Leucadia : issues of interpretation and aspects of modern reception
17:30 Discussion
15:30 Prof. I.M. Konstantakos (National & Kapodistrian University of Athens), Talking animals and the beginnings of the Märchenkomödie
16:00 Discussion
16:30 Coffee Break
17:00 Prof. A. Petrides (Open University of Cyprus), Menander’s Leucadia : issues of interpretation and aspects of modern reception
17:30 Discussion
Saturday, 9th November 2019
Fourth Session: Philosophical and Historical Fragments in Context
10:00 Prof. Dr. I. Männlein-Robert (Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen), *The old gods in fragments or how to deconstruct an enemy: Eusebius's handling of Porphyry's *Περὶ ἀγαλμάτων
10:30 Dr. E. Lupi (Leibniz Universität Hannover), *Timeo nel frammento 50 Jacoby*
11:00 Discussion
11:30 Closing Remarks followed by a walking tour of Merano.
For any inquiry please do not hesitate to contact:
10:30 Dr. E. Lupi (Leibniz Universität Hannover), *Timeo nel frammento 50 Jacoby*
11:00 Discussion
11:30 Closing Remarks followed by a walking tour of Merano.
For any inquiry please do not hesitate to contact: